Sexy Feminism

Legs, legs, legs! Likely the first thing we notice when watching the Annual Victoria Secret Fashion Show. That, and the drop dead gorgeous models, award-winning musicians, and best of all, the glamorous, winged costumes of bras and panties. Who could be unhappy looking at that for an hour??

This year's biggest cause of unhappiness or topic of concern: cultural appropriation. The Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines 'appropriating' in three ways:
  1. "to take exclusive possession of;
  2. to set apart for or assign to a particular purpose or use;
  3. to take or make use of without authority or right"
I'll agree that the ladies of the fashion show owned/took possession of that runway and worked the hell out of those extravagant costumes; VS leaders set themselves apart to show success and innovation in the lingerie and fashion industries; and the designers most likely didn't ask any ambassadors or natives of the cultures that some of the costumes represented for permission or authority to create costumes based on clothing, materials, or traditions of their cherished culture. This year's show, however, was the most ethnically and culturally diverse VS show I have ever seen (and I watch them more religiously than a TX-born ex-football player watches the Superbowl). The diversity was not only demonstrated by the incredible selection of models but also through the costumes and musicians. This was the year for your daughter, niece, sister, cousin, or friend to finally be able to see someone who looked like them as one of the most dreamed-about careers in the world. This was the year all of those girls could truly say

"That could be me someday!"

These are strong, dedicated, determined, stunning women with all different skin tones, hair, accents, and backgrounds showing the world that us women CAN, ARE, and WILL be any and everything we want to be! If this is what's deemed cultural appropriation, I'm all for it. And I am truly sorry if you felt your culture was disrespected in this show, but please try to see the appreciation for your beautiful culture, too.

We spend so much time seeing the negative and pointing out the wrongs or offensive sentiments in everything instead of embracing the uniqueness and hard work in a person's or company's efforts. And let's not forget the true creativity, design, and artwork that goes into creating not only costumes, but an entire fashion show that people mark their calendars to watch. To each their own - but I have nothing but love for the VS Fashion Show, and it will forever be a fairytale dream of mine to strut down a runway as an Angel.


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