"Are you with that family?"

On even the most average days, I can always expect to give the "Um....what?" look at least once. Yesterday was no exception. I work for one of those grocery delivery companies for extra cash in my spare time, and I was out and about yesterday shopping a couple of orders at H-E-B. My first order was around 1, so the grocery store wasn't super busy and the order didn't have a ton of items. So of course the second I smell someone cooking, I make a beeline straight for the sample ladies. I didn't want to look greedy or as hungry as I really was (especially since I had that company shirt on), so I stood behind this black mom and her son (yes, I had to add that she's black - you'll see why soon). Her husband and daughter were around the corner, standing out of the way. The mom was clearly talking back and forth to every person of the family, making sure she got everyone a sample; her little girl even ran over (in her precious 'big girl' boots) a couple of times. I'm not impatient or anything, so I don't mind at all. I'm actually (probably creepily) smiling at the kids, watching the little girl and her boots.

So the family gets their samples and moves on about their business in the store. In the meantime, some rude little thing walks right in front of me and sticks her hand out to the lady giving the samples. Still, I keep it cool, still smiling. Finally, it's Sab's turn for some sausage, fritos, and bean dip. What does the sample lady do?

Sample Lady: Almost hands me the sample to my ever so excited face, but stops and says "are you with that family?"

Me: "I'm sorry?"

Sample Lady: "Is that your family that was just here?"

Me: "Um...no ma'am." (my smile now turned to the "uhh, what?" face) "I'm a [Company name] Shopper (points to logo on my shirt)."

Sample Lady: "Ohh, you're with one of those Programs. Oh that's so good of you; bless your heart."

...If you're from Texas, you know someone only says 'Bless Your Heart' if you a) are simple, b) just embarrassed yourself, or c) are being pitied. And the way she said "Programs" did not sound like she meant a company you voluntarily work for, if you catch my drift! As cute as an old lady she was, she made me not even want that sample anymore (even though I still ate it...and it was delicious). I didn't look AT ALL like this family, nor were they even talking to me, to give Sample Lady a reason to think we were all together. Other than we were all black. And even if that somehow mattered, are you not going to give me that sample if I'm with them??

Now don't get me wrong - that didn't make me mad, but it is irritating that things like that are a regular occurrence. Especially since they never ask the lone white person if they're with the previous white family. And most of the time when I am with my mom, they don't believe she's my mom. "You're black, she's ?? What? How?"

Just the rant of the day. Bless Y'all's Hearts!


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