Black Friday - Yay or Nay?

Disclaimer: I don't agree with stores being open on Thanksgiving, forcing employees to leave their families and go to work to deal with irregular overnight schedules and obnoxious shoppers.

That being said, since the stores weren't taking my advice and the employees were already there, I decided the least I could do was give them the gift of a pleasant, friendly shopper who would possibly brighten/lighten up their busiest 24 hours of the year. (Yes, I am a hypocrite...) I checked all of the store advertisements and coupons in my email and weeble-wobbled my full belly out the door Thursday night, then again Friday afternoon.

First stop: Tanger Outlets. My first impression before I even get all the way to the parking lot is "aw hell....this may have been a bad idea". There were way more cars in the parking lot than there were last year (Yes, I went to MK for last year's 'Moonlight Shopping' experience, too. Don't judge my addiction!). And the lines outside of MK, Coach, and Starbucks were longer, too. But it wasn't the crowded parking lot or long lines that worked my nerves; it was the petty shoppers, pissy rude cashiers, and most of all, the less-than-worthy-of-getting-off-my-mama's-couch sales.

Let's start with the petty shoppers. We are all out to do the same thing: get some shit we probably don't need for a discount price, and get back home to our comfy beds safe and sound. So can someone please tell me why I got hit repeatedly by purses, shopping bags, hair (the grossest😦), and running children, but didn't hear an "I'm sorry" or "Excuse me" once?! Some even looked at ME like I was in the wrong for standing, smiling, saying "Excuse me", and minding my own business. One woman even had the nerve to push through those of us waiting in line, pretend to be trying to get to the watches, then cut in front of all of us respectful, patient customers. When I kindly reminded her that the end of the line was about six people back, she had the nerve to say "Qué?", then had her husband tell me that she was already in line. I had to restrain myself (and my mother) from giving her a "bitch, please" and making a scene. But I didn't want to be the typical "angry black woman", so I let it go. Oh, and if you're reading and thinking "hmm, it's not that big of deal, it's one person", let me tell you that this one person had at least 10 wallets10 purses, and 5 pairs of sunglasses in her hands... Other than this lady, I had the pleasure of getting a many stank faces all night and day as well. Oh what fun! But on the bright side, at least some folks were already dressed in their Christmas gear, which I get a kick out of 😊🎄. Oh, and one fella on Friday who had his pants sagging completly below his ass...guess he wanted us all to know he was wearing Tommy Hilfiger drawers. Fresh 👍

As for the pissy cashiers, all I could do was say "Thank you and Happy Holidays!". The young lady that rang me up in MK got irritated at one of the other employees while she was processing my payment, then felt the need to take it out on me. So all I got was a grunted "here!" as she handed me my receipt and glared around the store. So friendly.... On Friday, I only went to Macy's to return an item I bought a month ago. This cashier refused to look at me at all - only asked "why you returning?", then pointed at the card reader and said "it's waiting for you" before the screen even populated the signature line. I assume she had a shit day, so I smiled, took my receipt, and walked away (only called her a bitch under my breath, like a good girl).

Lastly, I have learned my lesson: stores scam you into believing they are opening on Thanksgiving night because they're going to have the best sales of the year, but will really only have mediocre sales and coupons with fine print that disqualifies you from using them. Damn them! Old Navy, for example. was open last night, but had the same sales they've had on all week. They didn't add any new sales until Friday. Michael's made "50% OFF" huge in their ads, but not all store items were applicable...nor were all of the coupons included in the ad. Other retailers seemed to have weak discounts like 20-30% off...of items regularly priced at $60. And what about the stuff we'd really like a Black Friday sale on, like cars, hotels, flights, and such?? WHERE'S THE GOOD STUFF, AMERICA??

All in all, I only left with a couple purses and a Lovesac...
I'll stick with Cyber Monday from now on................................................................................probably....


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