“Wait until...”

No one phrase plucks my last nerve like this one. Never does someone begin their sentence with “Wait until...” and have something positive to say. It’s always some over-generalized assumption based on their life experiences or bitter disposition. If you're young, fit, a foodie, attractive, or even simply have decent vision, I know you've gotten at least one, or more likely, all of these:
  • Age: "Wait until...you're my age; you hit 40; you're not young anymore"
  • Kids: "Wait until you have kids" (and love when they throw in the extra "you'll miss that tiny body" or "you won't be able to eat like you do anymore")
  • Time: "Wait until...you don't have time to workout; watch your weight; eat healthy"
  • In a relationship: "Wait until...you're married - you stop worrying about all of that" (⬅by far the craziest excuse, and maybe a reason for so many divorces?)
  • Jobs/Working (similar to time): "Wait until...you work this much/have to work to take care of things like a house, car, blah blah" (Really? Because I just work 5 days a week with difficult people and a mediocre income for fun, right?)
My favorite, however, is when they change up the words and don't even give you a "wait until" - just hit you with the 

"Mhm...just wait..." 

- until what, Donna? What am I waiting for exactly - to just let myself go, blame it on the kids, and start eating fast food every day until I can't see the bottom half of my body without looking in a mirror?

I'm almost positive someone has made one of these statements to me at least once a day, every day of 2017. Let me tell you, being young, perky, independent, and fit at a job filled with coworkers 30+ years older than you engraves such a good filter for your mouth. You know, because if you say what's really on your mind, one of those old folk could call "you millennials" disrespectful, and fire you :) But just to set the record straight - I look the way I do, eat whatever I do, act the way I do, and dress in the clothes I do because:

I do:

  1. Workout regularly and stay active;
  2. Manage my eating habits;
  3. Avoid being lazy (binge-watching Netflix doesn't count...);
  4. Know how I want to look and live, and I do what I need to to keep it that way!

I do NOT:

  1. Eat shit food every day (but don't get me wrong, I will eat a cookie, piece of cake, chocolate, or absolutely any dessert or carbs anytime I am presented with some!);
  2. Force myself to be on a diet;
  3. Make excuses for my weight or anything else about my body;
  4. Blame my age, my genetics, medication, lack of time, or someone else for the way I look.
Be you. Do you. But for goodness sake, Bob, DO NOT put your self-bitterness and personal situation on me....or anyone else for that matter.

Cheers to being young, exhausted, and not bitter!


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