Being Sick All By Yourself

*Cough, cough, sniff, hack, cough*
Being sick sucks...being sick all by yourself sucks more. I love most things about living with no one other than my pup, but I turn into an abandoned baby when I'm coughing like my nasty office neighbor down the hall, losing my voice, and sneeze-biting my tongue every ten minutes. Nothing screams 'adulting' like getting your own drugs and juice with your eyes half open and phlegm building a castle in your sinuses.

Let's walk through some of the pitiful differences of being sick at home by yourself versus being sick with mommy or hubby in the same house, shall we? Top 5!

1. Lose your voice coughing up a demogorgon:

By yourself: no calling for delivery or prescription refills, asking "who is it" when someone bangs on your front door, or laughing or yelling at the tv
With mom/hubby: THEY are your delivery service, tell the jackass at the door to "SHHH" because your baby is sick, and...well you're just SOL on laughing or yelling at the tv🤷

2. Dog Walking

By yourself: have to whisper-yell "Sit" to get a damn leash on or "No/STOP" when he tries to eat garbage someone littered outside (and your creepy, raspy, barely-there voice generally freaks your pup the hell out)
With mom/hubby: THEY walk the pup/let him in the backyard (of which you don't have in your single apartment)

3. Food & Beverage

By yourself: out of food (except cookies). out of juice. I'm so sick of tea.
With mom/hubby: "I got you some juice, Emergin-C, Niquil, cough drops (the ones that taste like LifeSavers..mmm), 5 kinds of soup, and some hot cocoa. Do you need anything else??"

4. Headaches → Migraines

By yourself: "WHERE ARE ALL OF THE GOOD DRUGS?!...pleasee, someone, help me off the couch...and turn off all the lights"😭
With mom/hubby: "Here's some good pills from my surgery and some Starbucks"

5. Hugs & Petting Your Head (you know you love it)

By yourself: *dog looks at me blankly*...good luck with that
With mom/hubby: *gives hugs, tucks you in, puts cold towel over forehead*

*Cough, hack, grunt, whine, cough, tear*


  1. This is absolutely right. There are lots of things we do all alone and by ourselves. Most times, they make us sick.



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